
Online от 1 юли 2002











Спрете войната в Чечения! Stop the War in Chechenia!   Остановите войну в Чечне!



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Петицията на английски (English)

Петицията на руски (Russian, Русский)

Vladimir Bukovsky: I Would Welcome Greater Pressure upon Russia by the West

Владимир Буковски: Бих приветствал по-голям натиск на Запада към Русия



Council of the European Union, Strasbourg

Commissioner for Human Rights, Strasbourg

Parliament of European Union, Brussels 

European People's Party (Christian Democrats and European Democrats)

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe

European Liberal Democrats

European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party

Parliamentary Group of European Social Democrats and Socialists

European Independence/ Democracy Group

Union for Europe of the Nations

Parliamentary Group of European United Left and Nordic Green Left

Non-attached Members of the European Parliament

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

European Union Office Amnesty International, Brussels

European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg

European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, Strasbourg

Human Rights Watch, London

International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, Helsinki

Office for Human Rights

U.S. Department of State

Washington D. C

U. S. Secretary of State

U. S. Department of State

Washington D. C.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

On 27th May 2005 the parliament of the European Union condemned with more than two months delay the assassination of the legitimate Chechen president Aslan Mashadov. Andrè Glucksman spoke out the following words after the fatal assault on the pro-west afghan leader   Massoud: “The blind West abandoned commander Massoud to his own fate, who had opposed the Soviet troops and after that the Talibans. This mistake has been noticed too late. They made a icon of him… After his dead…” .  On 27th May 2005 these words were prophetically fulfilled concerning Chechen president Aslan Mashadov.

Since the beginning of the second Chechen war, which Russian president Vladimir Putin launched in 1999 against the citizen of Chechnya in an offensive and totally unjustified way, the number of the killed by Russian troops Chechen citizens already exceeded 130 000 people, out of them 35 000 children, and the number of inhabitants in this region, documentary being counted by missing in action, exceeds the number of 10 000 people.

According to additional data, almost 30 percent of the 1 million Chechen people are killed in the course of the past ten years in the two Chechen wars. Thousands of Chechen citizens literally moulder in the so-called filtration camps, which in the essence are the camps of death. Each night Chechen cities and villages are targets of the "cleansing", with which mothers and girls get shot or brutally raped in front of the eyes of their families, and fathers and sons are deported forever from there houses. The terror of the Russian authorities and Chechen pro-Russian clans, which use a military situation in order to maraud and to terrorize its own population, is directed against those, which dared to search for their rights at the European Court of the Human Rights in Strasbourg, and also against all attempts from the side of non-government organizations to find a peaceful solution of the conflict.

Last examples of this are the murders of the first prosecutor into the European Court of the Human Rights in Strasbourg - Surah Bitieva, killed by GRU during May 2003 and of the lawfully chosen President in exile Aslan Mashadov on 8th March 2005.

By Mashadovs murder was interrupted the most important Chechen voice, which was constantly raised to the benefit of a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the region with the active political participation of the United Nations and the European Union.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

The President Aslan Mashadov and Mrs. Surah Bitieva, just as hundreds of thousands of Chechen victims and immigrants expected your aid! You did not render it to them; you do not render it to the Chechen population until the present day! During the multiethnic conflicts and the wars in the countries of former Yugoslavia the western civilization made a fatal error, to wait an entire decade before interfering. The western democracies observed passively 5 years long from the other side of the continent the genocide on the citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia; and 10 years, respectively, in Kosovo. Only a few political leaders, public workers and individual non-government organizations attracted at this time the public attention to the atrocities of the dictator Slobodan Milosevic and his helpers. But they remained lonely voices. Today we know how high the price of these errors was – hundreds of thousands of victims, tens of thousands missing in action, millions of emigrants from their houses. The consequences of the genocide - economical, social and political crises in the affected regions are visible still, and the healing of the inflicted wounds to the nations will last for still many years.  

On the basis this bitter experience and the other negative experience in Europe during the two world wars, when precisely the passiveness of the majority of the European chief politicians did contribute to the tragic motion of European and world history in the past century, we do turn ourselves today to you - to the representatives of states, parties and organizations, which did build up the contemporary western democratic societies on the foundation the basic values of Christianity and Humanism - and we do ask you, how long will you look this time passively at the destruction of an entire nation? How long would it be required this time, how many victims’ lives would  the "policy" of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the subordinated to him Chechen clans take away,  so that you would do what is your basic obligation as politicians, christians, humanists and democrats?

This question we pose to you, as citizens of Europe and the world from the pages of the following media:















Ана Петрова, България

Борислав Калоферов, България

Константин Петров, България

Ваня Димитрова, България

Васил Атанасов, България

Весела Илиева, Германия

Желязко Попов, България

Калоян Тонев, Канада

Катерина Воденичарова, България

Мария Иванова, България

Николай Кулев, Германия

Петър Камбуров, България

Соня Велчева, България

Невена Тонева, Канада

Любомир Данчев, България

Присъединете се!


3 юни 2003, 18:30  Убийците на Джохар Дудаев готвят убийството на Аслан Масхадов

10 май 2004 14:25 Аслан Масхадов: Смъртта и насилието не решават проблемите


Какво последва

Днес Путин се обърна към посткомунистическата номенклатура

Комисари на ООН прикриват данни за геноцид, Весела Илиева, Бремен

Три часа европейско безвремие в Москва, Весела Илиева, Бремен

Климент Денчев: Комунизмът е вечно състояние на гражданска война, Интервю на Васил Станилов за "Про&Анти"

От Human Rights Watch обвиниха Москва в престъпления срещу човечеството, Даниел Домби, Рафаел Майндър, Пеги Холинджър, The Financial Times, 21 март 2005

Съмнения в официалната версия за смъртта на Масхадов

Владимир Буковски: Бих приветствал по-голям натиск на Запада към Русия, Интервю на Даниела Горчева за "Диалог"

Днес в Страсбург започват мирните преговори за Чечения, Весела Илиева, Бремен

Поляците го казаха заради всички, Иля Милщейн, Новое время

Огромното мнозинство от чеченците скърби за Масхадов, Тимур Алиев*, Prague Watchdog

Новият цар ви благодари, г-да европейци!, Андре Глюксман, Le Monde

Масхадов не измени на своята воинска чест, Елена Бонер, Грани.ру

Убиха и бодигарда на Масхадов

За временно управление на ООН в Чечения, Елена Бонер, Владимир Буковски, Андре Глюксман, 145 евродепутата и хиляди граждани от цял свят

Евродепутатът Оливие Дюпюи: "Правда" иска за Русия правото безнаказано да избива хора

Стратезите на Кремъл водят безкрайна "абсолютна война", Андре Глюксман

Елена Бонер: Русия на Путин е недостойна за паметник на академик Сахаров

Аслан Масхадов: "Воюващ ислям” и “уахабизъм”, приложени към Чечения – това е творение на руската пропаганда и ред спецслужби, интервю на президента на Чеченската република Ичкерия пред полската журналистка Кристина Курчаб-Редлих

Ахмед Закаев: Искаме само едно - Русия да не ни избива когато си иска и колкото си иска. Искаме да имаме право да се наричаме чеченци

Въстание в чеченското гето

Или Закаев да бъде обявен за втори Бин Ладен, или Путин - за втори Милошевич

Партизанската война в Чечения е организирана от руските тайни служби, Анна Политковска

Примирие в Чечения е възможно след мирна конференция, Сергей Ковальов

!!! Трагедията със заложниците в Беслан

!!! Трагедията със заложниците в московския Театрален център



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